Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Kangen Water and Diabetes

Kangen Water & Diabetes

Effects of Kangen water on Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease of the blood specific to low levels of the

insulin and/or insulin resistance
wherein normal amo
unts of insulin are unable produce the proper response from the body’s fat, muscle and
liver cells. These imbalances and/or resistances can occur as a result of an improperly functioning pancreas, a
long term acidic diet or other imbalances which impair th
e body’s ability to produce or properly use insulin.

A key factor both low levels of insulin and insulin resistance is the ability of the pancreas and liver to produce
and release sufficient insulin that is readily absorbed by the body. Specifically in Typ
e II Diabetes (commonly
known as adult onset diabetes), the body is delivered a one
two punch. First, through an over acidic
environment the body becomes unable to produce sufficient insulin to counter acid in the blood and properly
trigger the release of
glucose. Secondly, the same acidic diet that increases toxins in the system renders the
body unable to properly eliminate these toxins. The result is improperly filtered materials being used by the
pancreas and liver to produce (and/or overproduce) insulin

which is not readily processed by the body.

Another factor contributing to the onset of adult diabetes is insulin resistance as a result of acidosis. Acidosis
is a condition wherein the body is in an overly acidic state. The body attempts to compensate
and restore
alkaline balance by drawing nutrients from the lungs, bones and organs, into the blood to attempt to restore
proper PH balance. As this occurs over time, normal metabolic and hormonal responses in the body are
disturbed and eventually the endoc
rine functions are reduced or become ineffective.

The Kangen Difference

Kangen water has been molecularly altered to absorb the toxins in the blood and organs, which support
acidosis, at a higher rate than regular tap or bottled water. Through increased

elimination of toxins, the
blood becomes better oxygenated and a better vehicle for delivery of nutrients and hormones throughout the
body. As blood PH (acid/alkaline factor) comes into better balance, the demand on the pancreas and liver arereduced and
these organs begin the return to “normal function.”

The key difference Kangen water makes is its remarkable anti
oxidant properties. The ORP (oxidation
reduction potential) of most waters is +250 to +350. A positive ORP rating means there is no anti
occurring. Kangen water has an ORP rating of
negative 387

making it remarkably effective at removing
contaminants from the body. These are contaminants that, when present in excessive amounts inhibit the
liver’s ability to properly filter resulting in

poor pancreatic function a key factor in insulin resistance.

With a
387 ORP rating, Kangen water’s ability to aid the body in elimination of toxins becomes a powerful
tool for restoring the metabolic and hormonal imbalances that are major contributors
specifically to Type II
diabetes. It is a fact that elimination of toxins from the body not only increases immune system effectiveness
but also reduces degeneration and allows the body to heal itself. Stabilized blood sugars are just one of many
health ben
efits reported by users of Kangen water.

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